Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day Two

WEIGHT: 129.6 lbs
BMI: 21.6

TOTAL: 1,400 Cal.

Breakfast: 180
Thomas Whole Wheat Bagel Thin - 110 Cal.
2 TB of Low Fat Cream Cheese - 70 Cal.
Lunch: 140
Chobani Peach 0% Greek Yogurt - 140 Cal.
Dinner: 1,o80
1 Small Cheesecake Factory Side Caesar Salad - 440 Cal.
1/2 Cheesecake Factory Blackened Chicken Sandwich on Wheat - 640 Cal.

TOTAL: 600 Cal.
General Dancing at 3 Hour Musical Rehearsal with brief break: ~ 300 Cal.
Stationary Bike for 1 Hour, Light: ~ 300 Cal.

FINAL TOTAL: 1,400-600= 800 Cal.

MOOD: I'm frustrated I had to go out to eat dinner with my friend, and her friends, because I wanted to fit in, so I ordered salad and a sandwich, and then one of them only got a salad and the other only ate Edamame, which was WAY less calories than I was eating, but I had to eat some of what I had ordered. I wanted to get one of the Weight Management salads, but they were mocking them and I changed my mind... I also feel super full now, which I guess means I won't be thinking of binging either, but I'm worried about what my weight loss stats will look like tomorrow. I guess we'll have to wait and see!

Celebrity Weight & Height: Lucille Ball

I'm planning on posting the height and weight of a variety of famous celebrities from the years as part of this blog. This first one is the lovely Lucille Ball, star of 1950's hit TV show "I Love Lucy"!

Lucille Ball

Height: 5' 6 1/2''
Weight: 129-135 lbs
BMI: 20.5-21.5

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day One

These are my first stats! Hopefully, I will be able to post my weight, BMI, food log with calories, exercise for each day, and daily thoughts about my weight and my body.

WEIGHT: 130.4 lbs
BMI: 21.7

TOTAL: 1,085

Breakfast: 258
Nature Valley Sweet and Salty Peanut Bar: 170 Cal.
Clementine: 35 Cal.
1/2 Banana: 53 Cal.
Lunch: 272
1 slice of cheese pizza: 272 Cal.
Dinner: 465
Veal Shank (3 ounces, except I spent most of my time peeling away the fat... it can be so hard sometimes when my Dad is always the one cooking!): ~ 160 Cal.
1/2 Cup of Risotto: ~ 240 Cal.
Small Field Greens Salad with Low-Fat Newman's Vinaigrette and Croutons: 65 Cal.
Dessert: 90
Breyer's Smooth and Dreamy No Sugar Added Vanilla Bean Ice Cream: 90 Cal.


MOOD: I'm starting this change! More news to come soon!

My Eating Disorder


One thing I have learned over the past several months is that eating disorders are MUCH more complicated than they appear. Anyone who has ever experienced any ED knows this is true, but even others, who simply have observed or witnessed friends/family/acquaintances/strangers with eating disorders, the world of ED is much more complicated than one might think. Most people believe eating disorders fall into two categories: Anorexia and Bulimia. These two categories only begin to touch on the mass variety and intensity of the types of ED people suffer from, men and women alike.

My eating disorder falls under the category of a binge-restrict cycle, which is similar to that of a bulimic, who follows a binge-purge cycle. My current diet, as it stands, involves consuming anywhere from 900-1,200 calories a day, which is more than the average anorexic and less than the average healthy dieter. This pattern is counterbalanced by binging sessions, where I consume foods I would never allow myself to eat otherwise. While I have attempted to purge twice already (more on this to come), the food from my binges stays in me, and usually accounts for my fluctuating, though descending weight. Some of my ED symptoms also include:

*collecting hundreds of "thinspo" images, images of morbidly obese overweight people, images of the calorie count in high-caloric, high fat foods, and images of disgusting, un-appetising dishes
*obsessively weighing myself multiple times a day
*obsessively calculating and logging calories
*obsessively measuring and weighing food
*obsessively calculating my BMI, and comparing them to other's BMI
*uncontrollable binging sessions, followed by periods of serious guilt/self-loathing

I am writing all of this down, because it means I need to begin focusing on and recognizing that these disorders are dangerous, unhealthy, and are rapidly moving out of my control. I need to begin to take back my life and my eating, and feel like I have more control over my body and staying healthy.


Hello! My name is Lucy, I am a 17 years old, and I have an eating disorder. I have created this blog for myself to act like a diary, where I can share my opinions, fears, frustrations, and victories about my eating disorder. I hope this blog is able to track the progress of my recovery from my ED, and is the first step in working towards a healthy, self-confident future.