Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day Two

WEIGHT: 129.6 lbs
BMI: 21.6

TOTAL: 1,400 Cal.

Breakfast: 180
Thomas Whole Wheat Bagel Thin - 110 Cal.
2 TB of Low Fat Cream Cheese - 70 Cal.
Lunch: 140
Chobani Peach 0% Greek Yogurt - 140 Cal.
Dinner: 1,o80
1 Small Cheesecake Factory Side Caesar Salad - 440 Cal.
1/2 Cheesecake Factory Blackened Chicken Sandwich on Wheat - 640 Cal.

TOTAL: 600 Cal.
General Dancing at 3 Hour Musical Rehearsal with brief break: ~ 300 Cal.
Stationary Bike for 1 Hour, Light: ~ 300 Cal.

FINAL TOTAL: 1,400-600= 800 Cal.

MOOD: I'm frustrated I had to go out to eat dinner with my friend, and her friends, because I wanted to fit in, so I ordered salad and a sandwich, and then one of them only got a salad and the other only ate Edamame, which was WAY less calories than I was eating, but I had to eat some of what I had ordered. I wanted to get one of the Weight Management salads, but they were mocking them and I changed my mind... I also feel super full now, which I guess means I won't be thinking of binging either, but I'm worried about what my weight loss stats will look like tomorrow. I guess we'll have to wait and see!

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